Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

If you are the person involved in recruiting new talents for the company, not only you need to pick the best from the crowd, but you also need to handle the rejection of the rest. In a time when everything you say or do can be regarded as offensive, being proficient at writing a well-mannered rejection letter is even more important.


How to Write Applicant Rejection Letter

There are four thumb rules on writing rejection letters. They are not written in stone, but they should help you out writing a good rejection letter nevertheless.


Send in a Timely Manner

Once you’ve made the decision on rejecting the applicant, send the rejection letter immediately.


Hearing nothing from after sending so many CVs and resumes is an awful feeling many job seekers have known very well. Don’t be one of those companies that leave applicants hanging. Send the letter ASAP so the candidates can move on with their job search without waiting for uncertain results from your company.


Say Thanks

It’s plain courtesy to thank the other party for taking part in your talent-scouting. Here’s an example of how you can phrase it:


“Thank you for your interest in becoming part of [Company Name]’s family. We wish you the best in your future endeavors.  ”


Be tactful and never go over the top when you thank someone. Otherwise it may sound as if you’re mocking them for failing.


State the Reasons for Rejection

You must be direct in telling the candidates why they did not make the cut. Let’s use an example to show how it’s done:


“Although we are impressed with your education background, we have decided to pursue other applicants whose work experiences more closely match our requirements for the position.”


Leave the Door Open

Just because the candidate is currently not suitable for the post, there’s no reason to say that he or she will not be fit for it in the future. If the candidates truly have some redeeming qualities your company is looking for, then it’s best to let them know about it.


To show that all is not lost, you can phrase it like this:


“We’d like to continue talking with you about future positions we have coming up in our branch office. Do tell us if you have problems working in a remote location.”


OK, so that’s how you write a rejection letter that’s direct yet well-mannered. Now, before you send that letter away, be sure to double-check for any misspellings or bad grammar there. Being professional in your writing is essential at all times.


Keyword: chinese novel


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